"A Citizen"s Eye View"

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mexican teen will be deported: Canada Get's tough on Immigration.

And Canada begins to slam shut it's doors and haul in the welcome matt to all who wish to come here and contribute to our once proud society. Cabinet Minister Tony Clements has openly stated that it "bothers" him whenever he hears two people talking in any language other than English or French.

In Hamilton Ontario, The Feds have rendered SISO, a prominent agency charged with assisting with the integration of immigrants, nothing more than a pale shadow of a pale shadow of it's former self. Yes, there was cause for close scrutiny of this agency by the Federal Government due to some glaring indiscretions on the part of the former Executive Director of SISO, but the Board of Directors had replaced the E.D. and the agency was in the process of successfully bringing itself back in line with federal regulations when the axe fell, multiple times.

In Toronto, the single largest port of entry in the country for new immigrants, Agencies similar to SISO are being slashed to the bone.

The new citizenship exam, implemented in 2010 has produced a failure rate of 80%.

And now this. Immigration Minister Jason Kenny has refused to intervene on the part of a Mexican Teenager, Daniel Garcia, who has been living in Canada and successfully attending secondary school in Toronto. He has been an exemplary citizen and has given every indication that he has the potential to contribute positively to the community.

Garcia and his older sister came to Canada in an effort to flee oppression and death threats due to the sister's sexual orientation. They have been unsuccessful in obtaining refugee status and the older sibling was subsequently deported prior to Christmas. By the time this blog post is read, it is likely that Daniel has already been returned to Mexico, despite appeals from his school, various community groups and an on-line petition initiated on his behalf.

Leave us not forget good citizens that in this autocratic regime, what ever words come out of Minister Clement's, Minister Kenny's or any Tory Cabinet Minister's mouths are those of their Evangelical Reformist leader Stephen Harper. Their will is his will, their actions are his. The Reverend Harper is throwing up a wall topped with razor wire around Canada's borders at the behest of our isolationist neighbours to the south.

Canada is no longer a good citizen of the world community. In fact, the rest of the world has stated that, in it's current incarnation, Canada is not welcome as a serious participant in world affairs as attested to by our failure to gain a two year seat on the U.N. Security Council for the first time ever. Our Government has arrogantly stood in judgement of other countries, their customs, their religions and convictions and found them to be wanting, not suitable for entry into the international melting pot that once was Canada. The Reverend Harper sees not people, human beings worthy of the same rights and freedoms afforded to all free Canadian Citizens. He sees ethnicity, he sees cultures and values that do match his own, he sees religions that offend his 1950s sense of family values. And he sees skin colour. He sees soulless sinners who are to be shunned and left to die in what ever misery his god has seen fit to inflict upon them.

Canada is becoming an isolationist theocracy, not many rungs below Afghanistan or Iran. And we have the unmitigated gall to stand in judgement of their society's. In the eyes of the world, we have gone from a nation of tolerant advocates to a regime cold blooded oppressors. And none of us seems to have the where-withal to lift a finger to stop it.

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