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Colin M. Brown |
The NCC is in fact, an uber- Conservative lobby group that was formed in 1967 by insurance millionaire Colin M.Brown, to oppose public Health Insurance. Get the connection there? A Free-Market Corporatist was essentially pissed that his profit margin was being undercut by the Government of Canada who was seeking to do the right thing by it's citizens.
The NCC currently has a membership of about 35,000 individual Corporatists (Membership has to be in the name of the individual CEOs as opposed to their actual business interests lest their sham be exposed). So this lobby group represents about 1/10th of 1% of all Canadian "citizens". .
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"Gotta build us a Fire-wall around Alberta" |
According to Wikipedia:
"...The NCC would go on to campaign against "socialized medicine" and other government programs. The NCC has supported privatization, Corporate tax cuts and government spending cuts; it also opposes electoral laws that limit third-party spending. It has been heavily involved in advertising, political campaigns and legal challenges in support of its goals of "more freedom through less government."
In addition, the NCC has gone on to campaign against:
-The Canadian Health Act,
-The Canadian Wheat Board,
-Vietnamese refugees (The Boat People)
-The Mandatory Long form census,
-The Long-Gun registry.
- The Elections Canada Act
The NCC also formed and funded the Ontarians for Responsible Government Lobby group, their Provincial "arm" in Ontario. The ORG was instrumental in the election of Mike Harris as the Premier from 1995 to 2003.
This is a highly secretive organization ladies and gentlemen. It uses every means at it's disposal to protect the identity of it's members and to keep it's activities well away from the public eye.
So under no circumstances fellow Canadians, should we be duped by the euphemistic name of this highly secretive Corporatist Lobby-group. It has no interest what-so-ever in the well being of the citizens of this country (accept that we be kept poor and beholden to our Corporate Masters). The NCC has one purpose and one purpose only: to see Canada turned into a kind of Free-market "wild-west" where corporations are free of any and all regulations, trade barriers are non-existent and all environmental concerns are permanently suspended. In essence, business can do what ever it pleases while the rich (the 1% of our overall population) get richer and the poor die-off in solitary confinement in one of the many new private super-prisons being constructed by the Government of Harper.
So don't ever trust the NCC fellow citizens. They mean you great harm.
One should never judge a book by its cover, but really - one look at Colin Brown and one can't help but leap to the conclusion that is not a face to be trusted.....no surprise it comes from London, the most regressive town in the country.