"A Citizen"s Eye View"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Did Someone Try to Muzzle Me??

I don't usually think of myself as a paranoid person.  No, it's not because I know everyone is out to get me... Yes, I flirt with the odd conspiracy theory. Mostly because they're fun. But I don't really believe there is any "theory" to the harm that the Harper Cons are capable of inflicting on Canada. I believe this to be very real.

I KNOW that Harper and his Cons lie

I KNOW that Harper and his Cons mislead and misrepresent the truth.

I KNOW that Harper and his Cons are trying very hard to muzzle the press and hence keep the truth about his regime from our ears.

I KNOW that Harper and his Cons systematically dispose of dissenters and ruin their careers.

I KNOW that Harper and his Cons will dispense with democracy in order to get their own way.

I KNOW that Harper and his Cons don't want to tell us what they are spending our money on.

I KNOW that Harper and his Cons employ fraudsters, goons, felons, terrorists and an assortment of petty thugs.

I KNOW that Harper and his Cons decide on policy based on ideology rather than evidence based facts.

I KNOW I don't trust Harper and his Cons.

So there may well be a conspiracy afoot, but there is no theory to it. It's hard fact. Harper wants complete and unchecked control of Canada in order to reshape it into whatever twisted configuration he sees fit. If you'll remember, he promised that we wouldn't recognize Canada by the time he's done changing it. And this is one promise he means to keep. Though what he intends to do with the country once he's ruined it is anybody's guess.

But last night, as I was catching up on the days news- learning about the vandalism and intimidation being perpetrated by Con zealots-  learning about how the Cons had the partisan crowd at a Harper rally shout down the media for trying to press the Prime Minister for answers regarding yet another indiscretion- learning how the Con candidate in Guelph was charging people to attend his rally- a funny thing happened as I was getting myself prepared for a right and proper "social media rant" . I got locked out of my blogs, my Facebook and my email accounts.

The last thing on my mind at the time was that maybe I was being muzzled. I am a pretty loud anti-Harper critic if you hadn't noticed. But no, I was more ticked about the inconvenience. I tried to contact my ISP but they were no help. So I went to bed. Fully expecting things to be back to normal in the morning. They weren't.

Even as my consternation continued on into the morning, the idea of "conspiracy" didn't enter my mind.  But as I started running virus scans and various diagnostic programs, I suddenly remembered the story about how the Cons are in favor of open and random internet surveillance, without a judges warrant. I remembered how citizens were being ejected from Harper rallies based on their Facebook content.  And I remembered that there was never an adequate explanation as to who was doing the online screening of innocent citizens or why they were doing it. And I started to get paranoid.

In this current political climate, with this pseudo- Conservative party that will resort to any measure to silence it's critics, I started to wonder if I really had been muzzled. I found it hard to believe because in the big scheme of things, my dissenting voice is tantamount to nothing more than a fart in a windstorm. But I wondered if I hadn't farted up wind of the wrong person.

But miraculously, almost 24 hours after I lost control of my means of speaking out, I regained control. I have my blogs and Facebook etc. back in my own hands. I don't know what caused this temporary silencing of my voice. My diagnostic checks turned up nothing as did my queries to the ISP. This "black-hole" in time remains a mystery. I would still like to think it was simply an internet glitch, but I still can't help but wonder.

But if any of you fellow pro-democracy bloggers, tweeters or Facebook socializers have experienced the same sort of thing, I would love to hear about it. You can comment on this blog post or for greater anonymity (I think), I can be emailed at 70sfusion@gmail.com. I would love to hear any and all comments.

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